Grammar Guide: Comparatives

A pioneer is someone who does something or goes somewhere for the first time. This block we are celebrating the pioneers that we know in our lives. Many of our students are pioneers themselves! They have come to a new country to study English and they are setting a great example to their families and their posterity. Similar to how a lighthouse guides the way for ships, pioneers guide other people to follow in their footsteps.

We use the comparative of adjectives when we describe the differences between two things. The comparative of the adjective can be formed in two ways: -er or more. The following rules can help you decide which form to use.

One-syllable adjectives
When an adjective has only one syllable, the adjective generally takes the -er form to compare two things. If the word ends with one vowel and one consonant, double the consonant before adding -er.
  • Pioneers must be braver than followers.
  • Susan became a pioneer in science because she studied harder than other students.
Two-syllable adjectives ending in -y When an adjective has two syllables and ends with -y, we generally drop the -y and add -er.
  • Being a follower is easier than being a pioneer.
  • Pioneers feel happier when they help other people.
Three- or more syllable adjectives
When an adjective has three or more syllables, the adjective uses more to form the comparative.
  • Pioneers are more inspirational when they accomplish something that is difficult.
  • Living in a new place is more difficult than living somewhere familiar.
Learn more about comparatives and other grammar topics at Nomen Global!

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